Sclerotherapy Manual for Nurses has been prepared especially for Nurses. As with the doctor’s manual each step within the 10 Step Sclerotherapy Cycle is examined and broken down step by step.

Each chapter/step is presented in the same logical order in which the task occurs when treating a patient’s varicose disease. 

All elements and phases of Sclerotherapy are broken down both from a medical and managerial point of view. This system will guarantee you will be able to truly learn sclerotherapy, form A to Z 

This book has been tailored to summarize the RN responsibilities. Checklist summarizing the RN's responsibilities can be is found at the end of each chapter. 

The methodology presented is based on the practical and objective experience of numerous doctors, therapists and administrators whom have been dedicated exclusively and entirely to the treatment of varicose veins for more than 29 years, having treated thousands of patients of all nationalities and ethnicities in the U.S More than a book it is a procedural manual which brings to you the Methodology or Medical Protocol in Sclerotherapy.

After purchasing the manual(s) if you feel you may need to expand your understanding of this technique, you have the opportunity to purchase our Advanced Sclerotherapy Training DVD course or attend our  one of our Sclerotherapy Course in order to obtainyour certifcation. Each course/seminar is taught by personnel whom actively practices sclerotherapy. Thus you have the advantage to network and share your concerns with other professionals in Sclerotherapy doctors, nurses, and sclerotherapist.
Sclerotherapy Manual for Nurses  
Download  Brochure of  Nurses Manual 
Steps for the Successful Sclerotherapy Implementation
Steps  to  implement  SCLEROTHERAPY as a business
is as simple as ... 1, 2, 3  
First, purchase the manual you wish to obtain. Learn all the duties and responsibilities of the personnel in question as well as the cooperating tasks of all the professionals involved doctors, nurses, and administrators. 

The concepts within each manual are presented in the same logical order in which they occur when treating a patient’s varicose disease, based on the collective experience of those doctors, nurses, therapists, and administrators whom perform these procedures and techniques on a daily basis. 

By applying the concepts within these manuals you will see how simple it is to implement this procedure and how fast and easy your income can be multiplied. 

Each manual has its own unique ID which grants you access to Crown Medical Supports System database where you can share your concerns and receive answers from Sclerotherapist Specialist. The objective is to help you implement Sclerotherapy, from techniques to the business aspect involved.

Second, enroll in one of our Comprehensive Sclerotherapy Courses. After purchasing the manual(s) if you feel you may need to expand your understanding of this technique, you have the opportunity to purchase our Advanced Sclerotherapy Training DVD course or attend our Annual  5 Day Sclerotherapy Course or 1 Day Seminar. Each course/seminar is taught by personnel whom actively practices sclerotherapy. Thus you have the advantage to network and share your concerns with other professionals in Sclerotherapy doctors, nurses, and sclerotherapist.

Buy This  Manuals 
Buy This  Manuals 
Crown Medical also offers you all the support you need to successfully be able to obtain a Sclerotherapy Certification. 
Our commitment and support to you does not stop upon course completion. Instead we offer a complete host of services for our members:

  • Ready-To-Go Advertising Designs customize any brochure, business card, mail-out card, booklet, etc.. to fit your patient demographic to help you bring in more patients to your successful practice of Sclerotherapy. 

  • Online Support  Clarify any questions or doubts you may have on the course content discussed through our Online Consultation services. Extended package are available.  

In summary with Crown Medical you will  find all the pieces of the puzzle in one place 

The objective of our DVD training/courses/seminars is to go through the complete sclerotherapy cycle and provide you with the comprehensive training you need to implement a successful new business.  The one day seminar  is designed for those with experience, The DVD training and five day course is for those starting sclerotherapy and wish to obtain an in-depth study of all details of the Sclerotherapy process,  Depending on the level of expertise you may have,  select the appropriate training option for you. 

The scope and sequence of the course is based on the 10 Step Sclerotherapy Cycle. Each chapter/step is presented in the same logical order in which the task occurs when treating a patient’s varicose disease. 

Best of all,  with Copavin you have the assurance our professors work in an institution which is exclusively dedicated to Sclerotherapy and Sclerotherapy alone, an institution that has been doing so for more than 25 years.  

With Copavin & Crown Medical's Sclerotherapy Courses, you will find everything you need to implement Sclerotherapy, including all the Business Management and Marketing elements that you need to successfully implement Sclerotherapy.  
             The experience you can trust ..................  
Procedure with a High and Growing Demand  
Benefits of Implementing Sclerotherapy 
Therapy Does not Depend Entirely on You  
Minimal to No Investment Cost   
Do Not Depend on Inusrance for Payment 
Increase your Income Substantially   
Attract More Patients  
Reduce Risk and Exposure     
Obtain a Better  Work Schedule  
Fast and Simple to Implement
Become Certified in Sclerotherapy 
Sclerotherapy Training Seminars
Ph: 786-587-3202 