Sclerotherapy Course - 5 Days
All these element , for only  $975.   Potencially it is the income produced by the first patient
The objective is to provide you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the most commonly used Injection techniques, Enabling you to safely and effectively incorporate the procedure in your office. If you wish to practice the techniques on a live person you must provide your own test patient. You may bring a spouse, relative, and/or friend whom would like/qualifies to receive treatment and agrees to sign our release. You must be licensed in the region the seminar is held in. If you will be providing your own practice patient you must notify our registration department. All notification must be recieved TWO WEEKS prior to scheduled seminar, in order to ensure all materials and supplies will be made available for you during the seminar.

  • Familiarizing yourself with the most commonly used sclerotherapy techniques.
  • Learning the 22 injection techniques for a successful sclerotherapy
  • Becoming familiar with the mechanism of action of the different sclerosing medications
  • Explaining the before and after treatment
  • Controlling the most common side effects of sclerotherapy
  • Determine the steps to the first sclerotherapy
  • Knowing what to do in the second sclerotherapy thereafter.
  • Acquiring the basic knowledge needed to adequately respond to the patients
All of our Sclerotherapy training is based on Crown Medical's Sclerotherapy Manuals.  Our course/seminar ensures all elements and phases of Sclerotherapy are covered.  The objective of our seminar is to go through the complete sclerotherapy cycle, Step by Step in a PRACTICAL and SIMPLE manner in order to successfully implement a vein practice.  We give you all the tips & pearls of practice base on performing sclerotherpay for the past 30 yrs. everything you need to implement a Vein practice all five items in one convenient Flash Drive
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
The 11 Steps to the First Medical Visit
Procedure for Filling Out Venous Map
Types of  Diagnostic Test.
The 6 Steps to the Second Visit
How to Calculate Estimates
How to Prepare Treatment Plan
The 22 Sclerotherapy Techniques
Treatment of
Secondary Effects
How to Control
Treatment Plan

Program Agenda follows the Table of Content  of the Book , the same format used in our live seminar
Program Agenda
2.- The Hands On Portion of the Seminar  ( Film )  
1.-   Measure Area,
      Observe Structure
      Determine Sequence of Therapy 
2.- Sequence and Concentration 
3.- Apply Corresponding Technique  
CPT 36471   or    CPT 36470
Crown Medical 30 yrs of Sclerotherapy Practice and only Sclerotherapy
  Sclerotherapy DVD Training Seminar
Now the DVD Course comes in a smaller more convenient format ,  a single Flash Dr
What is included in the Sclerotherapy  DVD Course ?
1.-  The Sclerotherapy Manual a value of $375.00
The Sclerotherapy Manual for Doctors is a procedural manual which brings to you the Methodology or Medical Protocol in Sclerotherapy.  This book is practical and concise, It guides you step by step, through the complete cycle of Sclerotherapy. The methodology presented is based on the practical and objective experience of numerous doctors, therapists and administrators whom have been dedicated exclusively and entirely to the treatment of varicose veins for more than 30 years, having treated thousands of patients of all nationalities and ethnicities in the U.S

See Sample Pages of the Sclerotherapy Manual
See Sample Table of Content  Sclerotherapy Manual
10:00 am – 11:00 TOPIC No. 1 Initial Evaluation, Patient Selection: 

  • To consider the elements of anatomy and physiology of the superficial venous system elements for the selection of the patient for Sclerotherapy
  • List the different types of differential diagnosis to consider
  • Identify treatment modalities for varicose veins
  • Describe the therapeutic goals to be reach in treating patient with varicose veins
  • Obtain a complete vascular review of symptoms
  • Basic elements of the vascular examination  inclusion and exclusion criteria,  vein classification, Vein Mapping

11:00 am – 12:00am TOPIC No. 2 - Sclerotherapy Techniques

  • To list the different types of Sclerotherapy technique
  • To identify the different type of Sclerosing agents available
  • There characteristic and recommended dosage
  • Post therapy patient instructions

12:00pm – 1:30pm Lunch Break (Buffet Vouchers provided)

1:30 pm – 2:30pm TOPIC No. 3 - Sclerohtherapy Follow up Considerations

  • List the different types of Sclerotherapy complications
  • To identify the different type of treatment available for each complication
  • How to avoid common mistakes
  • Documenting treatment progress

2:30pm – 2:45 pm Break

2:45 pm – 3:45 pm TOPIC No. 4 Part I – Understanding the latest Medicare LCD guidelines of Sclerotherapy and Business Aspects
of a Phlebology Practice

  • Describe the pre-treatment requirements of Sclerotherapy
  • List the different types of diagnosis allowed for coverage
  • Identify the Documentation requirements of Sclerotherapy
  • Understand the Utilization Guidelines of Sclerotherapy
  • Understand the Principles of Business Management
  • Understand Elements of Medical Practice Marketing

3:45pm -4:00pm Break

4:00pm – 5:00pm TOPIC No. 4 Part II –  Hands On Demonstration and or Participation

  • Live Demonstration
  • Discussion on the technique used

5:00pm -6:00pm Conclusion and Open Discussion on Sclerotherapy
3.-  PPT of all  10 Lecture of the Sclerotherapy Seminar
Step by Step Manual, with all the pearls of the practice .  Based on 30 years of experience
Now you can watch , over and over different techniques of Sclerotherapy , Get the videos of the pearls of practice,  that will avoid ulcers, hyperpigmentation and other common mistakes done.
Sample of the PPT explaniation of Vein Mapping
4.-  All necessary Medical Control Forms to Implement  Sclero
All the medical forms you need to implement in a Vein Center.
You will Receive a Flash Dr with the following forms :
These forms were develop, base on the practical experience of more than 30 yrs managing Vein Center through the USA . Now ready for you to review and implement
Informed Concent
Sclerotherapy Control Sheet
Billing Sclerotherapy Control Sheet
Vein Mapping 
Medical Necessity Report
Treatment Plan Sclerotherapy Goals  
Progress Report of Sclerotherapy 
Quality Control  Sclerotherapy 
Final Treatment Review of  Sclerotherapy 
Venous Assestment  
5.-  Learn How to Bill for Sclerotherapy 
Need to know , How to Bill Sclerotherapy Procedure which IDC code is used ?
Need to know , which Diagnostic covers the  Sclerotherapy Procedure ?
Need to Know, When is Sclerotherapy Procedure consider Medical Necessary ?
Which is the CPT code is used for Sclerotherapy Procedure ?
What IDC-9 Codes to used for Sclerotherapy Procedure ?
What IDC-9  and CPT combination to use for Sclerotherapy Procedure ?
Sample of Medical Necessity letter for Sclerotherapy ?
What price to use Sclerotherapy Procedure ?
How to bill Code 36471  Sclerotherapy Procedure ?
How to bill Code 36470  Sclerotherapy Procedure ?
What level of Specificity should you use in IDC-9                                    when billing Sclerotherapy ?
Updating the Information in Sclerotherapy
Making the Persons and Insurance Company Responsible. 
How to keep  the Patient on your Side.  
How to break the paradigm of   "cosmetic"    
How to prepare for war,  with the Insurance / Review Co.   
How to prepare a Super-bill for Sclerotherapy.   
Information System Flow for Billing
Justification for the need of Sclerotherapy

CPT    Description

36468     Single or multiple injections of sclerosing solutions, spider veins (telangiectasia); limb or trunk

36470      Injection of sclerosing solution; single vein

36471      Injection of sclerosing solution; multiple veins, same leg

37700      Ligation and division of long saphenous vein at saphenofemoral junction, or distal interruptions

37780      Ligation and division of short saphenous vein at saphenopopliteal junction (separate procedure)

Learn How to Bill   "CPT code for Sclerotherapy"  CPT CODE  36470 or  36471  Correctly, Fast and Easy
The How to of   "CPT 36471"
Knowing...  How to bill for the CPT code of Sclerotherapy, this is cpt "code 36471"   Sclerotherapy of the lower extremities  is paramount for the medical office, you can lose thousand  of dollar in medical services if you do not considering simple element, when using this code  some insurance Co, will do anything for denial of your payment.

The above book answers all the basic questions you need to understand and consider when billing sclerotherapy cpt code 36471,  multiple veins or procedure code 36470.   This book is part of the training course offered by CopaVin in Medical Billing specifically for this procedure.  Also included are forms , complete flowchart of the medical billing process for CPT code 36471 sclerotherapy, and what to do in each step.  This book  answers each and every question that is posted in this page  We hope that this book will help you bill more efficiently this procedure.

All you need to learn and implement  Sclerotherapy........  only  $975.00
based on 30 yrs of experience doing only Sclerotherapy... The experience you can trust
Buy today the Complete Sclerotherapy Implementation package 
Complete Training System
Complete Training System
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Every element only   $975.00
Buy Now
Every element only   $975.00
Buy Now
Every element you need to implement a vein practice only   $975.00
Every element you need for only   $975.00
Sample of Vein Evalution you will learn to do
Sample of  what you will learn to do
Medications, Concentration, etc
Buy Now
Every element you need to implement a vein practice only   $975.00
Doctors  Sclerotherapy  Manual.......... 425 pages, a Step x Step  protocol manual
Hands on Video Training ............ Watch over and over all 22 Injection Techniques. 
Medical Controls  ........ the medical forms needed to establish control and protection
Billing Procedure  ........ elements to be implemented to get paid
Confrence PPT   ........ Get all the summary slides, tables etc used in the confrence
Specialized in Sclerotherapy Training 