Sclerotherapy Training Manual for Doctors
Sclerotherapy Manual for Doctors
This  425 page manual covers all that a doctor needs to know to successfully implement Sclerotherapy Procedure in his/her office
or center.

The methodology presented is based on the practical and objective experience of numerous doctors, therapists and administrators whom have been dedicated exclusively and entirely to the treatment of varicose veins for more than 26 years, having treated thousands of patients of all nationalities and ethnicities in the U.S

All the elements, techniques, and protocol involved in Sclerotherapy  is explained via the Ten Step Sclerotherapy Cycle. All elements and phases of Sclerotherapy are broken down both from a medical and managerial point of view.

Each chapter/step constitutes a milestone within the Sclerotherapy cycle. Chapters are presented in the same logical order in which the task occurs when treating a patient’s varicose disease.

Checklist are provided to establish a communication interface between all personnel involved doctors, nurses, therapists, and administrators. This system will guarantee you will be able to truly learn sclerotherapy, form A to Z

After purchasing the manual(s) if you feel you may need to expand your understanding of this technique, you have the opportunity to purchase our Advanced Sclerotherapy Training DVD course or attend our  one of our Annual Five Day Sclerotherapy Course or One Day Seminar. Each course/seminar is taught by personnel whom actively practices sclerotherapy. Thus you have the advantage to network and share your concerns with other professionals in Sclerotherapy doctors, nurses, and sclerotherapist.
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Procedure with a High and Growing Demand 
Benefits of Implementing Sclerotherapy
Therapy Does not Depend Entirely on You 
Minimal to No Investment Cost  
Do Not Depend on Inusrance for Payment
Increase your Income Substantially  
Attract More Patients
Reduce Risk and Exposure    
Obtain a Better  Work Schedule 
Fast and Simple to Implement
Become Certified in Sclerotherapy
Sclerotherapy Training Seminars
Ph: 786-587-3202