Types of Vascular Tests       
Arterial Doppler                   
Steps for Arterial Doppler       
Arterial Imaging                  
The How and Why of Venous Examinations      
Techniques Used in the Examination      
Deep Vein System     
Superficial Vein System

Charts and Summary of Vascular Tests

The First Medical Visit  
The Eleven Steps of the First Visit          

Physical Examination          

Functional Tests           

3D Venous Map          

Venous Classification—Multifactor Scale          
Differential Diagnosis          

Managing Therapy Options
Charts and Summary of the First Medical Visit
Objective and Benefits of the Venous Map          

Venous Map           

Procedure for Filling out the Venous Map          

International Venous Classification (CEAP) 
Varicose Vein Scale and Categories
Charts and Summary of the Steps for 3D Venous Map         

The 3D Venous Map 
The Second Medical Visit 
Vascular  Tests 
How To Make Sclerotherapy Estimates
Evaluating Test Results      

Sclerotherapy Indications & Contraindications      
Results Derived from the Second Visit       
Educating the Patient      
Informed Consent      
Charts and Summary of the Second Visit

Importance of Estimates
Problems with the Estimates
Methodology for Making Estimates The Six Steps
Patient Index-Mathematical Formula

Therapist Index-Mathematical Formula

Estimate of Required Therapies
Mathematical Formula

Charts and Summary of How to Make 
Sclerotherapy Estimates    
The Treatment Plan 
Elements to be Considered in the Treatment Plan

The 8 Steps for Developing the Treatment Plan

Goals to be Reached with Sclerotherapy

Pre-Sclerotherapy Recommendations
Summary Chart of the Estimate Process

Physiopathology of Sclerotherapy
Classification and Use of Sclerosants
Concentration of the Medication

The Dichotomous Technique
Sclerotherapy Method or Schools
The 13 Steps of Sclerotherapy
The 22 Most Important Injection Techniques
The Second Sclerotherapy

How to Control the Sclerotherapy

Charts and Summary of Sclerotherapy Procedure         

Sclerotherapy Techniques and Procedures 
Sclerotherapy  Progress  Control
Treating Sclerotherapy Complications
Medical  Reference for Vascular Disease
Objectives of Controlling the Progress of Treatment  
Type and Frequency of the Treatment Control      
Therapist Report on the Progress of Sclerotherapy

Physician Report on the Treatment Plan            
Chart and Summary of Sclerotherapy Progress Control       

Anatomy and Physiology of the Vein System                        

Deep Vein System                                                          

Superficial Vein System

Anatomical References

The Endothelium and its Functions
Physiology of the Vein System

Pathophysiology of Varicose Veins

Manifestations, Conditions and Complications                      
Photographic References /  Before & After---Side Effects                 
Graphic Summary of the Full Sclerotherapy Cycle

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
The 11 Steps to the First Medical Visit 
Procedure for Filling Out Venous Map
Types of  Diagnostic Test.
The 6 Steps to the Second Visit
How to Calculate Estimates
How to Prepare Treatment Plan
 The 22 Sclerotherapy Techniques 
Treatment of 
Secondary Effects
How to Control 
Treatment Plan

Sclerotherapy Cycle 
DVDs / Videos
Billing Support
Film of Sclero 
Med Forms 

Become Certified in Sclerotherapy 
Sclerotherapy Training Seminars
Contact UsAbout Us

Ph: 786-587-3202 
Email: CopaVin@gmail.com
Manual for NursesManual for DoctorsManual for PodiatristsBuy Books NowTable of ContentsAuthors 


 List of Sclerotherapy Complications

Treatment for Each Complication                    
(Urticaria, Superficial Thrombus, Skin Necrosis, Blisters, Hyperpigmentation, etc.)

Serious Systemic Reactions 

Eight Factors that Increase Risk of DVT/PE

Charts and Summary for Treating Sclerotherapy

Our Sclerotherapy Manuals explains all the the elements, techniques, and protocol involved in Sclerotherapy via the Ten Step Sclerotherapy Cycle. All elements and phases of Sclerotherapy are broken down both from a medical and managerial point of view.

Each chapter/step constitutes a milestone within the Sclerotherapy cycle. Chapters are presented in the same logical order in which the task occurs when treating a patient’s varicose disease. Throughout the book forms/checklists are provided to summarize the duties and responsibilities of all personnel involved doctors, nurses, therapists, and administrators. These forms/checklist will enable all parties to have a clear tool for communication. Thus ensuring the successful implementation of Sclerotherapy.

Below you will find the Table of Contents Structure: