The objective is to provide you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the most commonly used Injection techniques, Enabling you to safely and effectively incorporate the procedure in your office. If you wish to practice the techniques on a live person you must provide your own test patient. You may bring a spouse, relative, and/or friend whom would like/qualifies to receive treatment and agrees to sign our release. You must be licensed in the region the seminar is held in. If you will be providing your own practice patient you must notify our registration department. All notification must be recieved TWO WEEKS prior to scheduled seminar, in order to ensure all materials and supplies will be made available for you during the seminar.

  • Familiarizing yourself with the most commonly used sclerotherapy techniques.
  • Learning the 22 injection techniques for a successful sclerotherapy
  • Becoming familiar with the mechanism of action of the different sclerosing medications
  • Explaining the before and after treatment
  • Controlling the most common side effects of sclerotherapy
  • Determine the steps to the first sclerotherapy
  • Knowing what to do in the second sclerotherapy thereafter.
  • Acquiring the basic knowledge needed to adequately respond to the patients
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
The 11 Steps to the First Medical Visit
Procedure for Filling Out Venous Map
Types of  Diagnostic Test.
The 6 Steps to the Second Visit
How to Calculate Estimates
How to Prepare Treatment Plan
The 22 Sclerotherapy Techniques
Treatment of
Secondary Effects
How to Control
Treatment Plan

Program Agenda of Seminar is the same as the Text Book Manual 
Program Agenda
Program Agenda for the Seminar Based on Text Book on Sclerotherapyr

  • Overview of Sclerotherapy Cycle

  • Initial Evaluation, Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria's

  • 22 Injection techniques

  • How to prepare the medication  Dosage

  • How to avoid common mistakes

  • What are the treatment of Choice to avoid mistakes and complications

  • Sclerotherapy Follow-up Considerations

  • Understanding Latest Medicare LCD Coverage

  • Hands-on Training ( Tips & Pearls )

  • Business Aspects of Phlebology Practice and Marketing

Upcoming Course:
Hands-On Training
Lecture - Protocol
Complete traning within Crown Medical Center of Miami, you will recive the lecture treatment of varicose veins of lower extermity protocol of Crown, step by step as presented in the Manual, you will rotate in our Sclerotherapy Room you can bring your own patient for hands-on training, you will observe all therapies being perfomed, also there will be discussion of  Medical, billing and legal considertations, Cost of Course is $ 1600.00. with the earnings of the first patient pays the course.  or the option of DVD Course which is the same as the live one

Cost of the Course
1.-   Measure Area,
      Observe Structure
      Determine Sequence of Therapy 
2.- Sequence and Concentration 
3.- Apply Corresponding Technique  
CPT 36471   or    CPT 36470
Register for next available seat, this month
Crown Medical 30 yrs of Sclerotherapy Practice and only Sclerotherapy
  Sclerotherapy Training Seminar
Sclerotherapy Seminars

Only $ 1,600.00
  DVD  Seminars 
Only $ 950.00
All of our Sclerotherapy training is based on Crown Medical's Sclerotherapy Manuals.  Our course/seminar ensures all elements and phases of Sclerotherapy are covered.  The objective of our seminar is to go through the complete sclerotherapy cycle, Step by Step in a PRACTICAL and SIMPLE manner in order to successfully implement a vein practice.  we give you all the tips & pearls of practice base on performing sclerotherpay for the past 30 yrs.
Specialized in Sclerotherapy Training 
Two Days 
In our Vein Center  
Privet Training 
Agenda-Sclerotherapy 2 Days Training

1st Day  Opening and Breakfast    9:00am

Section I     9:30-10:15am
Sclerotherapy and Management of your patient
Introduction of Speakers and Course Materials
The First Medical Visit
The 3D Venous Map
How to Make Sclerotherapy Estimates

BREAK   10:15-10:30am

Section II    10:30-11:30am
Treatment Plan
Sclerotherapy Techniques and Procedures
11:30-12m   •Open Discusion

LUNCH  12:00-1:00pm

Section III   1:00-2:00pm
Preparing the Sclerotherapy Tray,
22 Injection Steps of Sclerotherapy
Sclerotherapy Complications,Side Effects & How To Avoid Them
        Treatment of  Complications 

BREAK   2:00-2:15

Section IV   LIVE of Sclerotheapy Techniques & Managements of Patients on SITE

2:15-5:00pm  Live Management of Patients to determine Treatment Plan,
        Procedures,  Treatment Evolution and Patient Follow – Up

Giving out the

      Basic 100 Sclerotherapy  Question all Drs should Know
      This is a summary of the 100 basic question that all Drs that wish to implement Sclerotherapy
      should know perfectly

2nd Day  Breakfast  9am

Open Discussion Questions & Answers  9:30-10:30am

Injection Techniques 10:30-11:30am

Sclerosants Selection & Preparation  11:30-12m

LUNCH  12:00-1:00pm

Hands-On  Demonstration Technique of  Sclerotherapy, Live cases of Sclerotherapy
1:00-3.00 Pm

            Video Presentation of each Technique and open Discussion 
            Review and go thur the cycle of Sclerotherapy from the  1st Vist elements to consider
            Preparing a Treatment Plan
            How to evaluate and document in a Therapy
            Progress Report
From 4.00 to  5.00    Giving out the answers to  Basic 100 Sclerotherapy  Question all Drs should Know
Closing of Seminar    5:00- 5:30pm 

After Seminar                   
Open Discussion on Technique of Sclerotherapy  
Open Presentation of Product and Services by Vendors

Seminar Dates :    Friday and Saturday 

A.- On the 3 week of this month and

B.- The second (2)  week of next month

Dates : Friday and Saturday of the 3er. week of this month,  and the second week of the following month also on Friday and Saturday