Please check the box below to confirm you have read the terms and conditions for the course, certification exam, and/or manual you desire. Click here to view a new window with the "Terms and Conditions Page"
All of our courses/testing examinations intend to fully comply with the ADA. If you need any special assistance please check the box below and indicate the best phone number for an event staff coordinator to contact you. To ensure proper accommodations are made please ensure requests are in 3 weeks prior to event. 

Sclerotherapy Training in Medical Center

Personal Information
* Name:
* Address:
* City:
* State:
* Zip:
Phone 1:
License Information
State of License:
License Number:
  Americans with Disability Act
Questions or Concerns Contact:
Years in Practice :
Two Days Private Sclerotherapy  Training Seminar 
Open to all health care professions  MD, RN, DPM, PA, NP
Date  Requested
Specialized in Sclerotherapy Training 
The true experts, 30 yrs of perfoming Sclerotherapy
Please give us  a from to dates / weeks  that will work for you, Monday thru Friday , we will verify availability and will contact you,  you with confirmation, Number  Please note that only after you get a confirmation number is that you should obtain the transportation and accommodation that you may require
From   Date / Month /Yr
To    Date / Month /Yr
Note : 
Now Click here to go to  payment 
Two Days, in the medical Center with the Doctors and RN that perform  Sclerotherapy only 1600
Questions or Concerns Contact:
Next Seminar  Dates will be held on ( select your date)

                          A.- Friday and Saturday of  third (3 ) week of this month .
                    B.- Then the next seminar  will be held the Second (2) week of the following                                 month , also on Friday and Saturday.
Yes, please contact me at:
I have read and fully understand the terms and conditions for this course, manual, and/or certification examination.