Online CME Sclerotherapy Training
Sclerotherapy  Medical Training
Training on Sclerotherapy Vein Mapping
Obtain the  Treatment Plan Form, .and identify the Perforators that you should eliminate

Document the Vein Mapping 
Determine entry points, and sequence within area of treatment. base on flow and presure
Please use this sample to  prepare the following documentation
Homework  / Exercise
1.- Determine entry points,

2.- Determine sequence within area of treatment.

3.- Please explain the possible reflux based on perforator anatomy.

4.- Base on each case what would you do to 

                    1.-  Avoid ulcer formation,
                    2.-  What concentration to use
                    3.-  How many Sclerotherapy treatments will it take

1.- Determine entry points

2.- Determine sequence within area of treatment.

3.- Please explain based on the anatomy, which
     perforator should you be carefull with. 

4.- What agent / medication  would you recommend and why , base on  skin tone and area of treatment. 
The objective of this exercise is to reaffirm today's class, of Varicose Veins Evaluation,  

Follow the step by step methodology, explained in the manual,  in order for you to properly evaluate the  varicose veins and spider veins,  shown  below, based  on physical exam only, in order to prepare a  proper treatment plan

      Please evaluate the following varicose veins,
        In each case follow the methodology

                         Description of the patient
                         Physical exam.
                         Area Affected
                         Perforators involved
                         Medication to use
                        Concentration to prepare
                        Chapter 3 Incorporates 
                        evaluation including with the
                        results of the Diagnostic Testing
Varicose Veins Evaluation
1.- Determine entry points,
2.- Determine sequence within area of treatment.
3.- Please explain based on the anatomy, which perforator should you be carefull with. 
4.- What agent / medication  would you recommend and why , base on  skin tone and area of treatment. 
A.- Please explain the type of varicose veins, show here.

B.- Please tell area affected
Medical Training, Sclerotherapy Course ,                                                                                                     Chapter No 2 of  Crown medical Sclerotherapy Manual , Sample No 6
Sclerotherapy Training Course Exercise Part I 
Medical Training, Sclerotherapy Course ,                                                                                                Chapter No 2 of  Crown medical Sclerotherapy Manual , Sample No 7
Medical Training, Sclerotherapy Course ,                                                                                                      Chapter No 2 of  Crown medical Sclerotherapy Manual , Sample No 8
Medical Training, Sclerotherapy Course ,                                                                                               Chapter No 2 of  Crown medical Sclerotherapy Manual , Sample No 9
Medical Training, Sclerotherapy Course ,                                                                                                       Chapter No 2 of  Crown medical Sclerotherapy Manual , Sample No 10
Medical Training, Sclerotherapy Course ,                                                                                       Chapter No 2 of  Crown medical Sclerotherapy Manual , Sample No 5
Medical Training, Sclerotherapy Course ,                                                                                                                     Chapter No 2 of  Crown medical Sclerotherapy Manual , Sample No 4
Medical Training, Sclerotherapy Course ,  Chapter No 2 of  Crown Sclerotherapy Manual , Sample No 3
Medical Training, Sclerotherapy Course ,                                                                                                           Chapter No 2 of  Crown medical Sclerotherapy Manual , Sample No 2
1.- Determine entry points,

2.- Determine sequence within area of treatment.

3.- Please explain the possible reflux based on perforator anatomy.

4.- Base on each case what would you do to  

                    1.-  Avoid ulcer formation,
                    2.-  What concentration to use
                    3.-  How many Sclerotherapy treatments will it take

1.- Determine entry points

2.- Determine sequence within area of treatment.

3.- Please explain the possible reflux based on perforator anatomy.

4.- Base on each case what would you do to
                    1.-  Avoid ulcer formation,

                    2.-  What concentration to use

                    3.-  How many Sclerotherapy treatments will it take

1.- Determine entry points

2.- Determine sequence within area of treatment.

3.- Please explain the possible reflux based on perforator anatomy.

4.- Base on each case what would you do to
                    1.-  Avoid ulcer formation,
                    2.-  What concentration to use
                    3.-  How many Sclerotherapy treatments will it take

1.- Determine entry points

2.- Determine sequence within area of treatment.

3.- Please explain the possible reflux based on perforator anatomy.

4.- Base on each case what would you do to 

                    1.-  Avoid ulcer formation,
                    2.-  What concentration to use
                    3.-  How many Sclerotherapy treatments will it take

How many treatment areas shall you establisn in this patient ?
Instruction in Chapter 2
1.- Determine entry points

2.- Determine sequence within area of treatment.

3.- Please explain the possible reflux based on perforator anatomy.

4.- Base on each case what would you do to  
                    1.-  Avoid ulcer formation,
                    2.-  What concentration to use
                    3.-  How many Sclerotherapy treatments will it take
Answer in Film Tech,  Chapter 7 and Chapter 8
(Answer in Film Tech,  Chapter 7 and Chapter 8)
(Answer in Film Tech,  Chapter 7 and Chapter 8)
(Answer in Film Tech,  Chapter 7 and Chapter 8)
(Answer in Film Tech,  Chapter 7 and Chapter 8)
(Answer in Film Tech,  Chapter 7 and Chapter 8)