We welcome all business relations from institution such as:


            Hospital Training Departments

            Medical Schools

            Medical Associations, and others

In order to establish a mutually beneficial training program or relation with CopaVin .  
Utlizing Copavin training system will enable you to create a custom solution to meet your sclerotherapy training needs.

If you are looking to implement quality training in this procedure you can contact us directly at (786)  587-3202

Establishing Copavin's training program will ensure you have access to quality textbooks, experienced professors, and/or online support your students need, all from an institution with more than 26 years of experience exclusively dedicated to the treatment of varicose veins.

Below you will find additional information which may be useful in your educational endeavors in establishing sclerotherapy. 
Recently the Director of CopaVin Education, Antoinette Mendoza has a completed her book on How to Design PowerPoint Presentations for the Medical Profession. 

“How to Design PowerPoint Presentations Effectively” came about from the need to structure the pedagogical methods followed by the medical training division at CopaVin.

As CopaVin  revolutionized its training methods to include the delivery of Online Courses and present lessons through the use of Smartboards,  the director, realized,that  in order to utilize these new technologies, as sources of mediums to present a class or lecture, a PowerPoint presentation must be designed effectively.

Concepts no matter how complex must be presented in a simple and dynamic manner. Therefore she created a true and new methodology. A methodology so simple and dynamic that no matter how complex or what the purpose of the presentation may be (instructional, sales, or a call to action) the design of an effective and powerful presentation is guaranteed. For more inforation on this book you could go directlly to the website of the book.

This like all other books and manual have the same structure, feel and methology.

Complimentary copies sent to professors who have adopted one of our Sclerotheray Manuals for their course/training department.To receive a complimentary desk copy a minimum of 12 or more copies must ordered through your institution (college, university, hospital, and/or medical center). Desk copies are limited one per professor every two years.   


For professors who would like a personal copy of The Sclerotherapy Manual,  but do not qualify for a complimentary desk copy, could apply  for a complimentary discount of $ 295.00 There is a limit of two professor copies per instructor.

We are hereby requesting a 30 Day Preview For our professors considering the use of The Sclerotherapy Manual " in our institution, we have received the terms & condition of this request and have accepted them

We understand that from the date we receive the examination copy we have a 30-day preview period. The examination copy must be returned on or before the 30 days allowed, We understand that if Crown medical does not receive the manual within that period, the full amount of $375 plus the shipping and Handling charges will be charged to the Credit Card.  we also understand that If were to choose to adopt the book after previewing it, and order of 12 or more is placed and paid the examination copy will  be converted to a professor complimentary desk copy
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Phone (786) 587 -3202
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Review Copies for Schools
Examination Copies

For professors considering the use of The Sclerotherapy Manuals as a textbook, we provide an examination copy for a 30 day preview period. Examination copies are billed (provisionally) at regular  price of  $ 375  If the book is adopted and a class order of 12 or more copies is received, the examination copy is converted to a complimentary desk copy for the professor.  If the book is not adopted, we kindly ask the professors to return the book within 30 days examination period , or the holding Credit Card will be charged in the corresponding amount  according to the terms of the examination copies.

Get your FREE Desk Copy Today!
Request your Copy Review
There are three methods available to request a copy.
ATTN: Book Request
6785 sw 40st
Miami, Fl. 33155

Check, Money Order, Credit Card

Credit Card Only

ATTN:  Book Request


Check, Money Order, Credit Card
1. Download Appropriate Request Form. Submit desk, examination, and/or professional request form via fax, mail, or email
2. Call a Customer Representative  786-587-3202
3. Online Submission Submit request form Online. To request an examination, professional , or desk copy today simply scroll down to begin process.

I would like a personal copy but do not qualify for a free desk copy, I understand there is a limit of two professional copies per instructor and professional copies are available at the reduced price of $295.00(including shipping).

I would like adopt "Sclerotherapy Manual" as a required or recommended text. I understand to receive my complimentary desk copy a minimum of 12 copies must be ordered through my institution (university, college, hospital, training department, and/or medical center). I understand desk copies are limited to one per professor every two years.
Start Date:
Examination, Professional, or Desk Copies of Sclerotherapy Manuals are provided upon request to instructors, professors, program directors, and/or committee chairpersons who wish to review a manual for possible class adoption.
I attest that all the above information is correct and that within the last two years from current date, I have not previously received a desk or complimentary copy of the manual I am requesting
Sclerotherapy Training Program for Collages & Hospitals

Required Text
Recommend Text
American Express
Examination Copy
Professional Copy
Desk Copy