Need to know , How to Bill Sclerotherapy Procedure which IDC code is used ?
Need to know , which Diagnostic covers the  Sclerotherapy Procedure ?
Need to Know, When is Sclerotherapy Procedure consider Medical Necessary ?
Which is the CPT code is used for Sclerotherapy Procedure ?
What IDC-10 Codes to used for Sclerotherapy Procedure ?
What IDC-10  and CPT combination to use for Sclerotherapy Procedure ?
Sample of Medical Necessity letter for Sclerotherapy ?
What price to use Sclerotherapy Procedure ?
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We understand, the importance of  having a complete and full knowledge of all the elements of billing Sclerotherapy,  and being able to collect on Procedure 36471 and 36470 .  The knowledge of "How to bill correctly  Sclerotherapy", could make the difference in establishing this practice, with  success,  therefore  COPAVIN offers FREE consulting services in this topic ,
How to bill Code 36471  Sclerotherapy Procedure ?
How to bill Code 36470  Sclerotherapy Procedure ?
What level of Specificity should you use in IDC-10                                   when billing Sclerotherapy ?
Updating the Information in Sclerotherapy
Making the Persons and Insurance Company Responsible. 
How to keep  the Patient on your Side.  
How to break the paradigm of   "cosmetic"    
How to prepare for war,  with the Insurance / Review Co.   
How to prepare a Super-bill for Sclerotherapy.   
Information System Flow for Billing
Justification for the need of Sclerotherapy
Knowing  "How to Bill Sclerotherapy" is paramount for the successful establishment of this type of procedure in the medical center or office, 

The above book answers all the basic questions you need to understand when billing Sclerotherapy procedure cpt code 36471 multiple veins or sclerotherapy procedure code 36470 single vein,

This book offers you a complete flowchart of the medical billing process for sclerotherapy, and what to do in each step.

This book is the result of the experience of more that 26 years dedicated exclusively to Sclerotherapy and Sclerotherapy alone.

The book answers each and every question that is posted in this page

we hope that this book will help you bill more efficiently the Sclerotherapy Procedure.

CPT    Description

36468     Single or multiple injections of sclerosing solutions, spider veins (telangiectasia); limb or trunk

36470      Injection of sclerosing solution; single vein

36471      Injection of sclerosing solution; multiple veins, same leg

37700      Ligation and division of long saphenous vein at saphenofemoral junction, or distal interruptions

37780      Ligation and division of short saphenous vein at saphenopopliteal junction (separate procedure)

Learn How to Bill  "Sclerotherapy  CPT code" 36470 or 36471 , Correctly, Fast and Easy
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This book is the CME course on Billing Considerations, that many Dr receive in there Sclerotherapy Training Program, all for only ................................ $ 4.95
Billing Considerations, lesson included in the Sclerotherapy Training Program, at Crown Medical, all for only Only............ $ 4.95
The How to of procedure code 36471
Sclerotherapy Medical Billing
Only $ 4.95
Get all the documentation and conference material of the explanation  on how to bill procedure code 36471
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Specialized in Sclerotherapy Training 
Sclerotherapy  Books and Manuals
Over the past 30 years Crown Medical has been solely dedicated to the treatment of varicose veins utilizing Sclerotherapy. Crown Medical has successfully established facilities throughout the United States. This fact has provided us with an exceptional and distinctive experience like no other, having treated thousands of patients of all nationalities and ethnicities, Thus acquiring the day to day experience on how to accurately treat varicose veins of all calibers and implementing the adequate solution to complications which may arise. Crown Medical has extended its services to include Sclerotherapy Training for Doctors and Nurses. Publishing Sclerotherapy Manual for Nurses/ Doctors.
Medical Forms
Training DVDs